
I Tested A Device That Transforms Your Dusty House Into A Fresh Air Paradise (for less than $60)… And I Was Absolutely Floored By The Results!

Published on 08/06/2024 at 3:24 PM
*The person's story described below is fictitious and was instead founded on experiences shared by Clarifion customers.

Do you struggle to keep your home clean from dust, pet dander, and allergens? Read this article closely… it could change your life!

As a professional home cleaner with over 15 years of experience, I hear the same complaints from clients every day.

They usually sound something like this:

"PLEASE help me! I dust and vacuum religiously every Sunday, but my allergy symptoms are still terrible. My doctor says it's probably something in my home, but I don't know what else to do."

Or… “I'm at my wit's end. No matter how much I clean, there's always a layer of dust on everything within days. I have two dogs and a cat, and I love them, but the pet hair is driving me crazy. Is there any hope?"

Of course, I tell all my customers to "CLEAN YOUR HOUSE EVERYDAY" – but hardly any of them do. And honestly, I understand why – it takes a TON of effort to clean your entire home, top to bottom, inside and out, every single day.

First, you have to tackle the visible dirt and clutter in every room. Then there's the dusting of every surface, nook, and cranny. Don't forget about vacuuming carpets, mopping floors, and wiping down windows. And that's just the start! You've got to clean the bathrooms, kitchen, and laundry room thoroughly. Plus, there's all the hidden areas like air vents, ceiling fans, and behind furniture. You can easily spend hundreds of hours every day trying to keep everything spotless!

We'd all rather spend our free time doing just about anything else. But get this: According to the EPA, indoor air can be 2-5 times more polluted & dirty than outdoor air…

And as a result, 84% of Americans suffer from allergy symptoms inside their own homes.

That’s millions of Americans struggling to breathe comfortably… because of their dusty air.

To address this, you either have to spend hours cleaning every day… or hire a professional cleaner like me which can cost you hundreds of dollars per week!

I get dozens of calls for this every week… and many of them are tired of their stubborn dust problem.

So naturally, I was MORE than a bit skeptical when my friend called to say he had found a new device that keeps your home clean and fresh continuously… in EVERY room… with NO effort required.

It sounded too good to be true. I had seen my fair share of gimmicky cleaning gadgets and overpriced "solutions" that barely made a difference.

But, I decided to test out this new device anyway… mostly to make my friend happy.

And I was FLOORED when I discovered that it ACTUALLY WORKS — and it's both EFFECTIVE & EASY to use. Let me explain…

What Is This New Easy-to-Use Air Cleaning Gadget?

It’s called Clarifion.

It's a revolutionary device that releases 50 million negative ions to help eliminate airborne dust and allergens in your home, 24/7, as soon as you plug it in!

Even better, it’s so affordable you can get one device for every room in your house at the price of one regular air purifier! You can use Clarifion in your:

  • Bedrooms
  • Living rooms
  • Bathrooms
  • Home offices
  • Kitchens
  • Any indoor space!

This means you can now enjoy clean, fresh air throughout your entire home in a matter of minutes… no matter which room you're in… with ONE device per room. It's going to help prevent so many allergy symptoms and dust problems!

How Does Clarifion Work?

This is where I was pleasantly surprised. Most air cleaning solutions require constant filter maintenance which is WAY too expensive for the average American... which results in a lot of frustration and wasted money.

Not only do these filters need to be replaced regularly, one missed replacement can render your expensive air purifier completely useless. And trying to keep up with filter replacements is always a hassle… you'll never know if your air purifier is actually working until your allergies flare up again.

But that’s what makes Clarifion different. It does everything FOR YOU without any filters to change in just 3 simple steps:

STEP 1: Plug Clarifion into any outlet in the room you want to freshen.

NOTE: It uses universal AC-powered technology so it will fit in any standard outlet and it’s up to 90% more energy-efficient than the average air purifier.

STEP 2: Make sure the blue LED light is on.

STEP 3: That's it! Just leave it plugged in, and enjoy breathing cleaner air in almost seconds.

In the time it takes to walk your dog, Clarifion will start releasing millions of negative ions, which are essentially oxygen atoms with an extra electron. This extra electron gives these ions a negative charge, enabling them to magnetically target and bond to positively charged contaminants, such as dust, allergens, and pollen. Once attached, these harsh contaminants become too heavy to float and fall to the ground, effectively removing them from the air we breathe.

Even better, it will automatically continue to clean your air 24/7 — without you needing to lift a single finger to feel more refreshed.

Trying to achieve this level of air quality on your own would cost you HOURS and HOURS and HUNDREDS of dollars in regular cleaning. And without Clarifion, there's no guarantee that you'll get all the airborne particles — it's so easy for dust and allergens to slip through even the most expensive vacuums!

Even Better: Negative Ion Technology Can Help Eliminate VOCs Too!

Here's another feature I found to be really helpful: negative ions will actually magnetically target and help eliminate MORE than just dust and allergens.

It also works on Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs), — over 100 different types of airborne pollutants — and helps eliminate them all FOR YOU automatically, 24/7.

Bonus: This makes it so easy to fix that dreaded "What's that in the air?" problem that lingers even after cleaning. Just plug in Clarifion and you’re good to go!

PLUS… Clarifion isn't ONLY useful when it comes to boosting your health.

You'll Also Save HOURS of Time When You Want to Freshen Up Your Home for Guests, or Friends & Family

Using Clarifion is easy — just plug it in and forget about it…

…and enjoy fresher, cleaner air in every room within almost minutes!

Clarifion is NOT like any other air cleaning device you've seen out there.

Not only does this device help eliminate almost ALL types of air pollutants in ONE compact unit…

Clarifion actually uses advanced negative ion technology that automatically cleanses your air so that it's FAST AND EASY to maintain a healthy home environment.

Want to impress your friends with a fresher-smelling home without using chemical air fresheners? It takes almost just seconds with Clarifion!

A before-and-after air quality test with Clarifion — I had never seen such a dramatic improvement in indoor air quality before!

Dying to show your family how much cleaner the air can be in their rooms? Clarifion makes it quick and easy!

And if for any reason you DON'T find Clarifion incredibly easy to use, they offer dedicated customer support if you need help—INCLUDED in the price of the device!

All this for far, far, FAR less than the cost of those expensive air purifiers that require constant filter replacements… or paying hundreds for professional cleaning services that only provide temporary relief.

Bottom Line: If You'd Like To Keep Your Home's Air Clean and Fresh, You Need Clarifion!

(No need to worry about me. There are PLENTY of other cleaning issues I can help people with. My business will be fine.)

If there's something out there that can EASILY prevent the frustrating situation where I have to tell clients their homes will never be truly clean no matter how much they clean, it gets my endorsement.

I would much rather live in a world where everyone enjoys clean, fresh air in their homes all the time... allowing me to focus on clients I know I can make even happier!

And now that Clarifion exists, everyone—regardless of their cleaning expertise—has an easy way to get the job done in a few minutes.

So, what can I say? My friend was right. Clarifion simply does the job better than I could... in less time. I absolutely recommend it!

UPDATE: How to Find the Best Price For Clarifion...

It looks like they’re still offering a deep discount on Clarifion in multi-family-packs directly on their website. (Click below now—I don't know how long this discount will last.)

CLEANING PRO TIP: I always buy multiple Clarifion units. That way, you never have to worry about having only one room with clean air... or moving a single unit from room to room. Not fun!

And if you don’t like Clarifion And if you don't like Clarifion when you use it for the first time, just send it back and ask for a refund. No harm done.

ONE Plug-In Will Do The Trick – That's It!

Now that you know keeping your home's air clean and fresh is just a simple plug-in away, what are you waiting for? Enjoying cleaner air in every room of your house is as simple as...

Step 1: Order Clarifion here and get it delivered in about 1 week.

Step 2: Plug it in and make sure the blue LED light is on.

Step 4: And …and there you go – done! Easy peasy! Just leave it plugged in... and enjoy breathing cleaner air 24/7.

Check If Clarifion Is Still Offering Up To 46% Off!