How this grandma turned her dusty house into a fresh air paradise without lifting a finger

Richard F., 76, was terrified for his wife’s health. They lived in a beautiful community and were blessed with many friends. But one moment had his wife’s life flashing before his eyes.

Richard’s wife had been suffering from allergy symptoms for years. Something about the air inside their home was causing her to constantly sneeze and cough. But one day, it got so bad she could hardly breathe.

“I was so alarmed I almost called 911,” Richard said.

Millions of people face a similar problem: 84% of Americans suffer from allergy symptoms inside their own homes.1 It got so bad for Richard’s wife that friends started to boycott them for fear of “catching” whatever she might have. People even started avoiding them at the grocery store!

Once their friends started avoiding them, Richard knew they had to do something.

Sadly, Richard’s wife was still suffering. She coughed and sneezed through the night, keeping her and Richard awake. They couldn’t sleep without her having to get up to blow her nose or clear her throat in the middle of the night.

Finally, with no options left, his wife’s doctor recommended they purchase an air purifier. So Richard started shopping around.

Unfortunately, air purifiers are a hefty investment for most Americans. Traditional units start around $100, and many are priced higher – up to a whopping $2,500. Plus, they require time-consuming maintenance and pricey air filter replacements.

With no way to give his wife relief, Richard was faced with two options: spend their hard-earned savings on an expensive air purifier, or continue to watch his wife suffer.

The allergy products at the store were another solution, but the main problem for Richard was the expense. Depending on the store, these products could cost between $70 and $230 every month… and that’s just for one adult!

For Richard and his wife, paying monthly for symptom relief was simply out of the question.

"Like everyone else, we’re on a pretty tight budget right now,” Richard said. “Spending that kind of money just wasn’t an option for us, but everyday my wife was still suffering, it got real bad.”

The couple faced an almost impossible decision:

Continue to suffer with allergies or start taking money from their grandchildren's college fund…

Richard and Carol aren't the only ones with this problem, according to the EPA, indoor air pollution can be 2-5 times as bad as the air outside.

Of course dusting and vacuuming can help get rid of some dust and allergens in your house, but in reality who has time to clean 24/7.

The good news is, an extraordinary new device now offers a safe, powerful, and affordable solution for dust and allergens that works 24/7 – without putting loved ones in harm’s way.

It works year-round, in any climate, for the elderly and children alike… no matter how many family members you have. This device eradicates dust, allergens, by using the revolutionary power of negative ion technology.

It’s called the Clarifion, and the way it eliminates dust is surprisingly simple yet shockingly effective.

The genius device that eradicates dust & allergens with innovative “Negative Ion” Technology.…

Clarifion uses the power of air ionization: a scientific process5 that helps to invigorate the air inside your room.

Once Clarifion is plugged-in, a small generator inside starts releasing negative ions. Negative ions are magnetically attracted to other particles in the air. Essentially, they attach to other floating particles until they may become too heavy to float…6 Eventually falling out of the air and onto the floor.

It’s incredibly easy to use. Just plug it in and make sure the blue light is on. That’s it!

It’s 1/5th the size of a traditional air purifier, yet super powerful.

When Richard and Carol heard about the device, they were skeptical it would work because they tried everything. But after Carol was constantly ill from allergies for weeks — she was willing to try anything.

When the package arrived, Richard was super impressed. He simply plugged it in, and it started working right away.

Now, we can’t promise that everyone will experience the same results, but Richard said “Almost immediately you could tell the air smelled better and cleaner.” Afterwards Richard placed one near his wife’s bed and guess what? Richard said “We both had a great night’s sleep.”

Within two weeks, Richard said, the whole house smelled cleaner and they were both breathing better. Finally, Richard’s wife was hardly coughing and sneezing.

“After a month,” Richard said, “My wife’s symptoms were vastly improved.”

Richard ordered 6 more of those amazing devices and placed them throughout their home.

“Clarifion absolutely changed our lives,” Richard said.

More than 76,413 new customers last year... but is it really worth the hype?

Clarifion was only recently introduced to the market, but it’s already caught-on with Americans nationwide.

Once people learned there’s a safe, affordable solution for dust and allergens, they were more than happy to try the device.

Over the summer, Clarifion sold much faster than the small, family-owned company was prepared for. Twice last year, in fact, they sold-out of their inventory completely.

Buzz about this breakthrough device has been spreading through word-of-mouth from satisfied customers.

I tested Clarifion myself, and here’s what I found:


Did you know the air in your home could be five times more polluted than outside? When my Clarifion arrived, I knew I had the perfect weapon against this invisible threat. It's plug-and-play, so it got to work immediately, with a comforting blue glow as the only indication of the hard work it's doing. One in my bedroom, another in my kitchen - and a peaceful sleep was mine again.

Sure, I had my doubts, thinking, 'Can this compact device purify my home's air?' But the first breath of truly clean air in my bedroom was enough to clear all doubts. The difference wasn't just noticeable - it was game-changing.


After a week, my home felt transformed. Even the hidden corners and crevices seemed to sparkle, dust-free. The air quality? Far better than it had ever been. The promise of 'negative ions' technology reducing dust and allergens wasn't just marketing fluff – it was reality. Only a few days in and my home felt like a health sanctuary.


Here's something you'll love - walking into your home and inhaling a freshness that you'd only associate with lush green outdoors. And when friends and family notice it, prepare to accept compliments for your immaculately clean home. My secret? The Clarifion - the unsung hero of my home.

The true beauty of Clarifion lies in its simplicity. No filters to replace, no added costs. Just plug it in and feel the difference it makes in your life.

And now, for a limited time, you can make this air transformation your own at a special discounted price. Don't wait to start your journey to a cleaner, healthier home - order your Clarifion now!


If you are tired of your dusty house, and want to breathe better… switching to Clarifion will actually save you time and money in the long run.

Traditional air units start around $100, and many are priced higher – up to a whopping $2,500. And they require time-constant maintenance and filter replacements, there’s really no comparison.

The Clarifion Air Ionizers are more affordable, less bulky, and less noisy than regular purifiers... That is why Air Ionizers are one of the fastest-growing health trend in the country.

I used Clarifion for more than a month and can confirm that it effectively eliminates household dust, allergens, and other airborne particles, which is something no other device can offer.

Most importantly, it means you no longer have to put the health of your loved ones at risk with the potentially dangerous particles and allergens constantly in the air.

How much does it cost? Is it worth it?

Clarifion is regularly priced at $44.97 per device – which, at first, seemed a little high. But after seeing how it completely changed the way I breathe at home in a couple of hours, I realized the product offers a tremendous bargain.

*Clarifion is currently running a limited bundle and save promotion for additional discounts

Right now, on their official website, Clarifion is offering a unique bundle and save to try their best-selling, air-ionizer device at a significant discount –Up to 46% off the retail price. – but only while supplies last.

As someone who’s reviewed hundreds of cool gadgets and inventions, I’ve never seen anything which offers such substantial value for such a low price. I recommended the Clarifion to anyone who wants to protect their family and keep their household free from unhealthy dust and allergens.

Update: Since this advertorial was originally published, there’s been a tremendous "buzz" about Clarifion and the company has seen a huge surge in sales. While their inventory is now dwindling, they’re still offering an "Internet Only Promotion" and bundle discount. (This offer is only available while supplies last.) To find out if Clarifion is still in stock, click the button below.


warningIMPORTANT: Get Clarifion for Every Room You Want to Ionize and Rejuvenate
Apply Discount & Check Inventory >>
Limited Inventory Available
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10. Jiang S, Ma A, Ramachandran S. Negative Air Ions and Their Effects on Human Health and Air Quality Improvement. Int J Mol Sci. 2018;19(10):2966. doi:10.3390/ijms19102966